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Adding ONT Huawei SmartAX MA5683T

Adding ONT Huawei SmartAX MA5683T

Suppose you configured OLT as I wrote in this article Configuring the Huawei SmartAX MA5683T through the console.

Now connect via telnet or console to the Huawei SmartAX MA5683T.
After entering the login and password, we will go into configuration mode by typing the command:

  • enable
  • config

2) Let’s look at the current configuration to understand under which numbers the ONTs are already added and which service ports are occupied by them:

  • display current-configuration

3) Look at which port and on which board the ONT that is not registered online is hanging and copy its serial number (through putty you can copy the selected text with the key combination Ctrl+Ins):

  • display ont autofind all

4) Go to the settings menu of the GPON board (where 4 is the board number):

  • interface gpon 0/4

5) Add ONT on this board (where 0 is the board port number, and 5 is the busy ONT number in order, TEXT is any ONT description, for example, the client address):

  • ont add 0 5 sn-auth 48575443346C7B32 omci ont-lineprofile-id 10 ont-srvprofile-id 10 desc TEXT

6) Specify a VLAN without a tag on the ONT ethernet port, for example VLAN 228:

  • ont port native-vlan 0 5 eth 1 vlan 228

7) They registered ONT, but there will be no Internet, since you still need to submit it via service-port. First, exit the GPON interface settings menu:

  • quit

8) And add service-port for the newly added ONT:

  • service-port 287 vlan 228 gpon 0/4/0 ont 5 gemport 1 multi-service user-vlan 228

9) Save the configuration:

  • save


In order to see the optical power of the ONT, the first command returns to the GPON menu of the board, the second we look:

  • interface gpon 0/4
  • display ont optical-info 0 5

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