For example, I will configure the Huawei MA5608T.
Connect to the device with a console cable at a speed of 9600. Standard
login: root,
password: admin or admin123.
Let’s go into configuration mode:
Let’s see the current configuration:
display current-configuration
display current-configuration | include TEXT
Change the password for the root user:
Let’s create another user, since one administrator can log in as root, and under the new user
at the same time:
terminal user name
User Name(length<6,15>):madankc
User Password(length<6,15>):
Confirm Password(length<6,15>):
User profile name(<=15 chars)[root]:
User's Level:3
1. Common User 2. Operator 3. Administrator:3
Permitted Reenter Number(0--4):4
User's Appended Info(<=30 chars):
Adding user successfully
Repeat this operation? (y/n)[n]:n
Specify the IP addresses from which it is allowed to connect to the device:
sysman ip-access ssh
sysman ip-access ssh
sysman firewall ssh enable
sysman ip-access telnet
sysman ip-access telnet
sysman firewall telnet enable
sysman ip-access snmp
sysman ip-access snmp
sysman firewall snmp enable
Configure SNMP and SNMP Traps:
snmp-agent community write madankc
snmp-agent community read madankc
snmp-agent sys-info contact madankc
snmp-agent sys-info location madankc
snmp-agent sys-info version v2c
snmp-agent target-host trap-hostname U2000SERVER address udp-port 162 trap-paramsname NMS
snmp-agent target-host trap-paramsname NMS v2C securityname NMS
snmp-agent trap enable standard
Configure NTP:
- timezone GMT+ 02:00
- time dst start 04-01 00:00:00 end 10-28 00:00:00 adjust 01:00
- ntp-service unicast-server source-interface vlanif208
Let’s see which boards are installed:
display board 0
display board 0/0
display board 0/2
display board 0/4
display version
display patch all
display io-packetfile information
display temperature 0/0
display temperature 0/2
display cpu 0/0
display cpu 0/2
I have displayed:
- display board 0
SlotID BoardName Status SubType0 SubType1 Online/Offline
0 H805GPBD Normal
2 H801MCUD Active_normal CPCA
4 H801MPWC Normal
By the way, the MCUD board has 4 ports of 1 Gb/s, and the MCUD1 board has 2 ports of 10 Gb/s and 2 ports of 1 Gb/s.
If no boards are added, then add:
board confirm 0/0
board confirm 0/4
If necessary, you can restart the GPON board as follows:
board reset 0/0
If not needed, then delete the standard IP address from the meth port:
interface meth0
undo ip address
Create a VLAN for management and assign an IP address:
Specify the default gateway so that the IP address of the device is accessible from other networks:
- ip route-static
Create a VLAN for users:
vlan 944 smart
port vlan 944 0/2 0
display vlan 944
Next, I created a 1Gb/s speed profile and profiles for single-port ONT and client VLANs:
display dba-profile all
dba-profile add profile-id 15 profile-name "dba-profile_15" type3 assure 1024
max 1000000
display ont-srvprofile gpon all
ont-srvprofile gpon profile-id 10 profile-name "vlan 944"
ont-port eth 1
port vlan eth 1 translation 944 user-vlan 944
display ont-lineprofile gpon all
ont-lineprofile gpon profile-id 10 profile-name "vlan 944"
tcont 4 dba-profile-id 15
gem add 1 eth tcont 4
gem mapping 1 0 vlan 944
Turn on loop protection:
ring check enable
ring check resume-interval 30
Enable ONT auto find:
I’ll give an example of adding the first ONT on the first GPON port (more precisely, zero, since the numbering starts at 0):
display ont autofind all
interface gpon 0/0
display ont autofind 0
ont add 0 0 sn-auth "414C434CF2A40000" omci ont-lineprofile-id 10 ont-srvprofile-id 10 desc ""
ont port native-vlan 0 0 eth 1 vlan 944 priority 0
service-port 1 vlan 944 gpon 0/0/0 ont 0 gemport 1 multi-service user-vlan 944
Example of viewing information about ONT:
display ont info 0 0
display ont optical-info 0 0
display ont version 0 0
display statistics ont-eth 0 0 ont-port 1
You can view the client’s MAC address by its service-port:
- display mac-address service-port 1
If you need to remove ONT, then you need to start by removing its service-port:
undo service-port 1
interface gpon 0/0
ont delete 0 0
Save the configuration:
- save
To find out which SFP module is in the PON port, for example C+ or C++,
you can use the command:
interface gpon 0/0
display port state 0
If there are two control cards, then you can check the synchronization status:
- display data sync state
You can check for an ONT with an erroneous configuration by:
display ont failed-configuration 0/0/0 all
Example of viewing information about emu:
interface emu 0
display fan environment info
display fan system parameter
emu add 1 H801esc 0 0 "GERM4815T"
display emu
display emu baudrate
interface emu 1
display esc system parameter
display esc environment info
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