Suppose Huawei MA5683T has already added a lot of ONTs and they work, dba-profile created, but we need to add an ONT with a VLAN that has not yet been added and profiles have not been created with it.
Connect to the OLT and go into setup mode:
Create a new VLAN:
- vlan 1169 smart
Point it to the Uplink port:
- port vlan 1169 0/8 0
If necessary, specify the DHCP server (for example, if it is specified in dhcp-server 0 ip x.x.x.x):
interface vlanif 1169
dhcp-server 0
Create ont-srvprofile:
ont-srvprofile gpon profile-name "madankc"
ont-port eth 1
port vlan eth 1 translation 1169 user-vlan 1169
- Commit
Create ont-lineprofile:
ont-lineprofile gpon profile-id 12 profile-name "Madankc"
tcont 4 dba-profile-id 11
gem add 1 eth tcont 4
gem mapping 1 0 vlan 1169
Let’s proceed to setting up the port to which the ONT is connected:
- interface gpon 0/0
Add ONT and exit port configuration mode:
ont add 4 42 sn-auth "414C434CF2BFCD6B" omci ont-lineprofile-name "ixnfo" ont-srvprofile-name "madankc" desc "TEXT"
ont port native-vlan 4 42 eth 1 vlan 1169 priority 0
Add a service-port with a new VLAN:
- service-port 2305 vlan 1169 gpon 0/0/4 ont 42 gemport 1 multi-service user-vlan 1169 tag-transfrom translate