💢 Top 5 Ways to Protect Yourself From Keyloggers Easily
💠Follow my simple guide in order to protect yourself from keyloggers. Arranged from Top ways.
🔹 Always Use Two-Factor Authentication🔑
👉 Two-Factor authentication plays a crucial role when it comes to security. Well, two-factor authentication will not protect your computer from keyloggers, but it will definitely add an extra layer of security. With Two-Factor authentication, users will not only prompted for a password but also requires variable factor authentication like SMS, calls, etc. In this way, the cybercriminal needs to get the access code before login into different accounts.
🔹 Avoid Using Public Networks
👉 In the public network, there’s always a risk of getting hacked. The middle man could try to install a keylogger or spy program to access the user data connected to the same wifi network. So, better is to avoid the use of the public network as there is always a risk of keyloggers being installed on your computer.
🔹 Cover your webcam
👉 There are many computer viruses are developed in the form of keylogger that can spy on you so here best option is to cover up your webcam to secure yourself from these type of attacks. You can cover it with any bandage or a color tape or whatever you wish.
🔹 Use Sandboxie In PC
👉 Today almost every keylogger is capable of editing your system setting and which can harm you lot. So you must use this app in your PC which detects the app that can perform changes in system settings and help you to remove them all from your computer to get safe from such malicious programs.
🔹 Always use Anti-virus softwares to scan your files
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