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Adding ONU to Huawei SmartAX MA5683T

  1. Let's start adding a new ONU. First, connect via telnet or console to Huawei SmartAX MA5683T. After entering the login and password, we will type the following commands:
    1) Enter the configuration mode:


    2) Let's look at the current configuration in order to understand under what numbers the on-shuttles have already been added and what service ports have been added for them:

    display current-configuration

    3) Let's go to the GPON interface settings menu:

    interface gpon 0/5

    4) Look at which onushki hang online on the port and see if there is a serial number of the new onushka:

    display ont autofind 0

    5) If the onushka is online, add it:

    ont add 0 1 sn-auth 48575443ECE02623 omci ont-lineprofile-id 10 ont-srvprofile-id 10 desc OPISANIE

    6) Specify untagged vlan 228 on the ethernet port of the onushka:

    ont port native-vlan 0 1 eth 1 vlan 228

    7) Exit the GPON interface settings menu:


    8) Add a service-port for the newly added onushka:

    service-port 2 vlan 228 gpon 0/5/0 ont 1 gemport 1 multi-service user-vlan 228

    9) Save the configuration:

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