If an error is made when entering formulas or data, an error message appears in the resulting cell. The first character of all error values is # . Error values depend on the type of error made.
Excel can recognize far from all errors, but those that are found must be able to correct.
The #### error appears when the entered number does not fit in the cell. In this case, increase the column width.
Error #DIV/0! appears when an attempt is made to divide by zero in a formula. This most often happens when the divisor is a reference to a cell that contains a zero or blank value.
Error #N/A! is an abbreviation for "undefined data". This error indicates the use of a blank cell reference in the formula.
Error #NAME? appears when a name used in a formula has been removed or was not previously defined. To correct, define or correct the data area name, function name, etc.
Error #BLANK! appears when the intersection of two regions is specified, which in fact do not have common cells. Most often, the error indicates that an error was made when entering cell range references.
Error #NUMBER! appears when an invalid format or argument value is used in a function with a numeric argument.
Error #LINK! appears when an invalid cell reference is used in a formula. For example, if cells have been deleted or the contents of other cells have been placed in these cells. Error #VALUE! appears when an invalid argument or operand type is used in a formula. For example, text is entered instead of a numeric or boolean value for an operator or function.