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How to earn money in social networks

Social media revenue is growing year on year thanks to its growing popularity: YouTube on ads increased its revenue by almost 50% in the first months of last year; the owner of TikTok increased its profit by 111% ($34 billion) in 2020; and Facebook (activity on the territory of Russia is prohibited) for the first 6 months of 2021 increased its turnover by half to $19 billion. Along with this, the income of bloggers who are posted on these sites is growing. These are advertising integrations, direct sponsorship and fees from the social networks themselves.
  • Facebook (activities in Russia are prohibited) pays the authors of quality content. In the future, the giant will invest $1 billion in this niche to attract good bloggers. Now, on the site, the author can earn either through direct advertising on his page or through ad impressions from the site (this does not depend on him: he himself chooses popular pages and places impressions).

  • YouTube pays for the number of views: the better the content, the more views, the more inserted ads, the greater the reward. Popular channels in one-hour video can show up to 10 inserts from the site. YouTubers also receive money from advertising integrations: they shoot a short story for a certain brand and place it in their entry. Top channels also host personalized ads (for example, banners at the bottom of the screen), from which a certain percentage comes. There are YouTubers who only produce content for donations (donations).These are either principled bloggers or those who produce good content, but not at all suitable for an advertiser who wants to avoid a reputational crisis. For example, this is BadComedian: it makes devastating reviews of films that collect millions of views, but it does not have integrations.
Seven-year-old Nastya Radzinskaya earned a record $28 million on her YouTube channel last year, which allowed her to be included in the Forbes list. Simple content is gaining an unrealistic number of views and has attracted more than 86 million subscribers. The process is led, of course, by the girl's parents. 
  • Instagram (activities are prohibited in Russia) helps to earn money from direct advertising from famous brands. The prices for a story and a post differ: the second one costs more because it stays on the blog forever. Micro-influencers (the number of subscribers is 500–10,000 people) are ready to place ads on barter. Millionaire bloggers take only money, and placement on their pages is very expensive. Also popular on the site are pranks (to attract subscribers), sales of marathons and trainings of your own composition (from "How to become a millionaire" to "Pump your inner goddess").

  • VKontakte personal pages are no longer particularly popular, so the main shift in earnings goes to groups. For example, you have created a thematic public that has gained a significant active audience of 500 thousand people. In this case, advertisers can contact you directly for placement on the community wall, or you will receive income from advertising embedded for display by the social network (this is not up to you). The newly introduced ads in videos on this site also earn money: if the original video content you upload gets a large number of views, it will be overlaid with an ad that automatically starts before the video starts.

  • TikTok allows you to earn directly through direct advertising or through views. The popularity of a video is not affected by the number of clicks, likes, and subscribers: a special social network recommendation algorithm can take a video to the top in a matter of hours.
Today, every blogging niche seems to be busy. But you can find and raise them. For example, workouts from home or online courses to keep fit while at home.
most popular social networking site Statistical agencies show different numbers. For example, a VTsIOM survey shows that VKontakte has become the most popular network in the Russian Federation, which has 48% of fans, followed by Instagram (39%), followed by YouTube (34%), and after Odnoklassniki (32%), TikTok (17%) closes the top five. Research by Brand Analytics shows that the most popular social network in our country in the middle of last year was Instagram (activities are prohibited in Russia), followed by VKontakte, and YouTube rounded out the top three. According to some sources, the leader of the world market was Facebook (activities are prohibited on the territory of Russia); according to others, TikTok, but the latest data are given with an error: researchers note that the mass character of the Chinese social network is given by residents of Asian countries, which are more numerous than in Europe and the United States.

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