How to make money with network marketing ?
Earnings on network marketing is the receipt of deductions from the sale of goods and services sold by means of attracting distributors. Profit from network marketing directly depends on the number of sellers involved. The more of them, the higher your income.
The basis of making money through network marketing is naive people who want to get some money for free, and you are either one of them or one of their owners (the other is not given).
To make money on network marketing, focus on attracting recruits. In no case, do not trade yourself, promise mountains of gold, and do not regret anything. Any act of kindness on your part will be seen as a weakness and will be a signal to attack.
Is Network Marketing Worth It?
It is not worth doing network marketing; it is wiser to look for yourself in another, less bloodthirsty business. According to statistics, a very small percentage of participants achieve success; most of them lose money on the purchase of goods and related costs.
Companies deliberately raise the expectations of attractor distributors in order to profit not only from their successful robots but also from their failures. If a person could not work, their contribution to the company would remain in the form of the purchase of starting material.
Is it possible to make money in network marketing?
Until you gain a large number of followers, you will not earn money. Also, it makes absolutely no sense to join the old pyramid, because if you are serious, then you need to get to the top, and not try to expand the base.
The chances of making money in network marketing are low and are associated with deception or misleading. So, whether you can make money from network marketing or not depends on your personal qualities.
Network marketing on the Internet
Network marketing on the Internet allows you to make your own pyramid using a store and a social network.
- an affiliate network (you can choose one here "ad"); an online
- store (for selling goods from an affiliate network, you can do it yourself using WordPress or buy it);
- and social media groups (to attract sellers who will distribute and sell products from your online store).
After that, a long and painstaking task awaits you in recruiting recruits and promoting the project. Don't count on quick success, but everything will definitely work out...
The advantage of network marketing on the Internet is that distributors do not have to be paid. They just need to be motivated to sell goods from your store site, and then they will do everything themselves. This is the beauty of network marketing. The seller you attracted buys the goods himself, looks for sales, sells himself, and the percentage goes to you.
If you work hard, promote your website, join groups in social networks, and become a famous seller, then poverty will not threaten you.
Earnings from Network Marketing
When starting out in network marketing, most people lose money and end up with nothing. The fact is that companies pursue a policy of total hiring of workers, not being interested in whether a person has the necessary qualities or not. As I wrote above, they do not care if you make a profit or not; they will receive their share.
- The ability to manipulate people;
- desire to deceive (motivate/impose); lack
- of remorse;
- desire to dominate.
If all this is, then there will be earnings, otherwise they will earn you. The ideal person to work in network marketing is a psychopath.
Secrets of Network Marketing
The secret of network marketing is the naivety of people, fueled by a sense of their own superiority. It is enough to develop the ego of such a client, and he will be yours with giblets.
- If you are taught to manipulate and deceive, then they also apply to you. Never forget this:
- Do not believe in easy and quick profit; it is not there. They will milk you first, and then they will see how things go.
- Do not believe in a bright future; it is achieved by an extremely small proportion of participants. Due to the large outflow, it will not be possible to recruit many distributors. At a certain point, their departure will equal your efforts to attract new ones, and this will be your limit.
- Colleagues are not your friends; behind a smile, pathos, and courtesy, there is calm and precise calculation.
- Do not contact companies that are trying to manipulate you. You should clearly and clearly answer all the questions posed, and not offer to watch propaganda. If you decide to try, contact a large and well-established company.
- It is advisable to buy a starter kit based on your needs so that the remnants of unsold goods are useful to you.
- Network marketing is the exploitation of people. In no case, do not include relatives and friends in your scheme. This can ruin the relationship between you.