Adding Onu Maunally on BDCOM OLT
Login to your bdcom olt
- enable
- Config
- interface epon 0/1
- epon bind-onu mac xxxx.xxxx.xxxx
- interface epON 0/1:1
- description madankc
- epon onu description madankc
* Note - All Red Letters Are Changable
Like this you can add ( register ) onu
How to remove ONT from BDCOM OLT configuration
Now, to remove it from the configuration, connect to the OLT and switch to the configuration mode:
- enable
- config
Let's look at the current configuration and find the MAC address of the ONT to be removed:
- show running-config
Select the interface (port) on which the ONT is registered:
- interface EPON 0/1
And remove the ONT, for example with mac address xxxx.xxxx.xxxx:
- no epon bind-onu mac xxxx.xxxx.xxxx